Thursday, August 9, 2007

Bartholumus Pyle

Bartholumus Pyle is an apothecary. A bachelor, he lives above his store in a modest set of rooms and is seldom seen in public. He is a short, trim man, dapper and cultivated with a quiet voice and sad eyes. He wears clean, well cut clothes and has a hair dresser visit him regularly. Everything about him is ordered and he generates an aura of cleanliness that is at odds with his slovenly neighbours who, despite their wealth may often appear in stained garments or unkept hair. Consuela Brackenbridge in particular seems to hold him with some disregard or contempt, the details of which are obscure. The locals regard him as a suspicious fellow, most probably a pederast or body snatcher, but nothing out of the ordinary. He has been known to tip well on occaision and is considered wealthy. He has one servant, a stocky, taciturn elderly man who is named Jonarh.


Historiker-Palle said...

He has one servant, a stocky, taciturn elderly man who is named Jonarh.

Where did he go? We searched the house and premises?

moif said...

Ask me again after the game...