Monday, July 30, 2007

Augustus Marrow

Large, ponderous and often sweating heavily as he moves about the city, Augustus is a well connected banker who's influence and power amongst the merchants of Takshendal is well known to all his neighbours and a subject of much speculation in the tap room of the Eel & Spindle where he however is all but never seen, despite his proximity.

He has a glabrous face with heavy jowls and a blunt nose. His eyes are quick and lively, contrasting strongly with the apparent lethargy of the rest of his form. He wears the typical tailored finery of a merchant city man, but carries himself badly, ruining the effect of his well cut clothes. More over his persistent sweating often generates an aura of strong masculinity about him further defying his attempts at courting fashion.

Although he likes to think of himself as a lady's man, relying on his personal charm and wit to overcome any hostility his form might instill in his attempted conquests, he is merely a boor when drunk, much given to groping maids and serving girls when other women repulse his advances. Marrow is not known to be an evil man, it is widely understood his amorous intentions are due to his wife's neurotic nature, but neither is he particularly loved as he tends to ignore his neighbours.

Marrow employs two 'house guards'. These are well known in the community being regulars in the Eel & Spindle. They are named Mr Murdoch and Mr Merriweather. They carry short spears and wear some what old fashioned chainmail. There is usually one on duty, guarding the house at any given time during the day.


Historiker-Palle said...

Marrow employs two 'house guards'. These are well known in the community being regulars in the Eel & Spindle. They are named Mr Murdoch and Mr Merriweather. They carry short spears and wear some what old fashioned chainmail. There is usually one on duty, guarding the house at any given time during the day.

M & Ms "smelter i munden, ikke i hånden", except in my hands...

Historiker-Palle said...

Augustus is a well connected banker who's influence and power amongst the merchants of Takshendal is well known to all his neighbours...

He owns much of Takshendal, why then some evil cult instead of byuing it all?

moif said...

He doesn't own much of Takshendal.

He owns several properties scattered about the city...

Historiker-Palle said...

Butmany a merchant and noble owes him, IE is owned...

moif said...

Until you've actually gone through his accounts, all you really know about him is heresay and rumour...